IIT Delhi Finally Inaugurates Optics and Photonics Centre

5 minutes read After the approval from the Board of Governors, a team of professors and administration started the actual work of creating the centre. The centre is organising an online OSI Symposium of the Optical Society of India named Frontiers in Optics and Photonics (FOP21). The team took this opportunity to inaugurate the Optics and Photonics Centre, IIT Delhi. The conference is open to all: no registration is required. To join the even online you can click here.

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Dark Matter – The Mystery Continues!

7 minutes read Our present understanding of the observable universe suggests that around 71% of the total mass-energy budget of the universe is due to Dark Energy, around 24% is the non-baryonic, non-relativistic Dark Matter (DM). And, the rest 4% is the normal matter (i.e. proton, neutron, electron, etc.) which constitutes galaxies, stars, asteroids, planets, and us. To explain the Dark Matter is one of the unsolved problems in physics. Understanding this can help us to unravel the mystery of the universe.

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Cosmic Consciousness or Quantum Brain: What creates reality?

4 minutes read The much-celebrated Schrodinger’s cat paradox has three interpretations. The second interpretation takes us to the strangest idea of the physics realm. Quantum consciousness which gives the same physical results as Copenhagen interpretation, suggests that it creates reality and is the fundamental entity in the universe. While Quantum brain suggests that the answers to reality are hidden within the quantum phenomena.

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