Quantum Darwinism: Survival of the fittest

5 minutes read The physical laws needed to understand the quantum world differ greatly from those of the classical. Quantum Darwinism provides a framework to explain how microscopic properties collapse into macroscopic ones. It introduces new concepts namely pointer states, einselection and decoherence and promises to bridge the gap between the large and the small!

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Cosmic Consciousness or Quantum Brain: What creates reality?

4 minutes read The much-celebrated Schrodinger’s cat paradox has three interpretations. The second interpretation takes us to the strangest idea of the physics realm. Quantum consciousness which gives the same physical results as Copenhagen interpretation, suggests that it creates reality and is the fundamental entity in the universe. While Quantum brain suggests that the answers to reality are hidden within the quantum phenomena.

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Why is your intuition about quantum spin incomplete?

4 minutes read The pioneers and innovators have one thing in common. They have a clear intuitive picture of fundamentals of the subjects. In contrary fashion, the construction of intuition is not possible for all subjects. One such concept is quantum spin and here I explained how most young students and engineers have a sketchy picture of it.

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