Cosmic Consciousness or Quantum Brain: What creates reality?

4 minutes read The much-celebrated Schrodinger’s cat paradox has three interpretations. The second interpretation takes us to the strangest idea of the physics realm. Quantum consciousness which gives the same physical results as Copenhagen interpretation, suggests that it creates reality and is the fundamental entity in the universe. While Quantum brain suggests that the answers to reality are hidden within the quantum phenomena.

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What is “Extra” about Extra Dimensions: Are You In or Out?

7 minutes read For ages, the mighty ‘night sky’ has been a prime centre of many theoretical developments in Cosmology, Astro-Particle Physics and Astronomy. ‘Black Holes’, ‘Gravitational waves’, ‘Supernovae’, ‘Cosmic rays’ are just tiny characters of this huge stage. It not only provides information of the ‘astronomical’ objects but also motivates to question the very existence of us. One such question is, “What is reality? Do we really live in a 3 spatial dimension universe?” If yes, then why and if not, then what are those ‘Extra Dimensions’? The understanding of extra dimensions can help us to look deeper into nature and demystify it in a better way.

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