Diary of a young girl from IIT Delhi
5 minutes read Hello Quantuse, When I was in my 12th class, there was a dream to get into IIT Delhi or IIT
Read more5 minutes read Hello Quantuse, When I was in my 12th class, there was a dream to get into IIT Delhi or IIT
Read more4 minutes read |Difficulty level: Medium| In 2019, three scientists namely John B. Goodenough, M. Stanley Whittingham and Akira Yoshino shared the Nobel
Read more5 minutes read The physical laws needed to understand the quantum world differ greatly from those of the classical. Quantum Darwinism provides a framework to explain how microscopic properties collapse into macroscopic ones. It introduces new concepts namely pointer states, einselection and decoherence and promises to bridge the gap between the large and the small!
Read more4 minutes read The comparison of the enormity of an object is done concerning the size of a normal human being. On this basis, we have scaled the different dimensions, that go up towards the macro and down towards the subatomic particles and quarks, through the so-called ānanoā dimension. The nanosize range lies between 1nm and 100nm, where one can find viruses, antibodies, glucose molecules, etc. The word nano, introduced in the 1980s found its way to a flashing field of research now known as Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. The intuitive idea, to think and study about the small scales, was given by the famous theoretical physicist Richard Feynman. His remarkable quote that ā there is plenty of room at the bottom āexceptionally forced the experimentalists to go ahead with the idea and to develop new technology to understand the matter at the atomic or the molecular level[1]. The properties of materials may get reversed when they are nano, compared to their bulk matter.
Read more4 minutes read |Difficulty level: Medium| One essential way of questioning free will is to think we donāt have one. There are quite
Read more7 minutes read Our present understanding of the observable universe suggests that around 71% of the total mass-energy budget of the universe is due to Dark Energy, around 24% is the non-baryonic, non-relativistic Dark Matter (DM). And, the rest 4% is the normal matter (i.e. proton, neutron, electron, etc.) which constitutes galaxies, stars, asteroids, planets, and us. To explain the Dark Matter is one of the unsolved problems in physics. Understanding this can help us to unravel the mystery of the universe.
Read more4 minutes read There are few outcomes one could come up with the EPR paradox. Though it a favoured one in principle, there are quite a few instances where we could essentially think upon the originality of quantum theory. Comparing the scenario in ordinary life, this article shares some general concerns.
Read more7 minutes read |Difficulty level: Medium| In this vast observational universe, there are billions of celestial bodies existing, among which humans have explored
Read more4 minutes read The much-celebrated Schrodinger’s cat paradox has three interpretations. The second interpretation takes us to the strangest idea of the physics realm. Quantum consciousness which gives the same physical results as Copenhagen interpretation, suggests that it creates reality and is the fundamental entity in the universe. While Quantum brain suggests that the answers to reality are hidden within the quantum phenomena.
Read more5 minutes read Science has achieved immediate attention to some fundamental questions asked for centuries. One among them is the sentinel existence of an objective world to keep a reality of what everyone shares in common. Some general attributes about things, emptiness and fields are considered to be fundamental in applying natural laws. This article checks on these matters from a physical and philosophical perspective where general concerns are shared.
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