My First Memory of Stars

< 1 minute read

In this topsy-turvy world, sometimes I find solace in the most mundane things which I encounter, giving my ‘over-thinking’ capabilities to produce something fruitful apart from giving me anxiety. An amalgamation of my bookish knowledge with the power of imagination and my love for writing I have inculcated train-of-my-thoughts in a poem. The following context provides proof for the same 😉

Its vague to be honest,
Like a teeny, tiny dot in the sky.
Stars never really spoke to me,
But yes they were the starting point from where i can partake.
It pushed me towards the lurking darkness.
It made me ponder over the mysteries of the unseen.
It made me realise we are more than ourselves,
More than what we see.
Our capabilities are endless.
They do take us back, in the past.
Obsolete when the matter around us celebrated its origin.
They do remind us we are just a speck in the endless streams of stars.
They make us feel small, 
invisible I should say. 
On those dark nights, 
when power cuts were imminent,
I remember lying under the stars and counting them.
After a while,
I didn't lose the number.
No of stars tends to zero. 
Clouds always obscure my way in confirming the infinite stars.
Funny right?
But it was fun.
Oblivious to the present,
It surely took me back.
Letting me stay there,
Enjoying the past.
Enjoying the present.
Both at same time

Written by: Anshul Singhal. Born in the death month of Carl Sagan. Exploring the world with Physics and with her footsteps. Likes to practice yoga, preaching about sustainable living while living as a minimalist.

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