Abbreviations used in Quantum Cryptography
< 1 minute read
Following are some of the most common abbreviations used in the field of Quantum Cryptography or Quantum Key Distribution. You may use Ctrl+f or command+f to search the keyword you are trying to find.
AM | Amplitude Modulation |
4WM | four-wave mixing |
AOM | Acousto-optical Modulator |
APD | Avalanche Photodiode |
BB84 | Bennett-Brassard 1984 QKD Protocol |
BSM | Bell state measurement |
CCD | Charge-Coupled Device |
CV | Continuous Variable |
CW | Continuous Wave |
DPS QKD | Differential Phase Shift Quantum Key Distribution |
E91 | Ekert 91 (protocol) |
EOM | Electro-optic modulator |
EPR | Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen |
ESA | electronic spectrum analyser |
FSR | free spectral range |
HOM | Hong–Ou–Mandel |
HSPS | Heralded Single Photon Source |
LCD | liquid crystal display |
LED | light-emitting diode |
MZI | Mach Zehnder Interferometer |
OPA | Optical Parametric Amplifier |
OPO | Optical Parametric Oscillator |
PBS | polarizing beamsplitter |
PDC | parametric down-converter |
PDH | Pound–Drever–Hall |
PID | proportional, integral, differential |
PMT | photomultiplier tube |
PNR | Photon Number Resolution/Resolving |
PNRD | Photon Number Resolving Detector |
PNS | Photon Number Splitting (attack) |
QC | Quantum Computing/ Quantum Cruptography (as per the context) |
Qdot | quantum dot |
QKD | Quantum Key Distribution |
QND | quantum non-demolition measurement |
QNL | quantum noise limit |
RBW | resolution bandwidth |
RF | radio frequency |
RMS | root mean square |
RRO | resonant relaxation oscillation |
SFWM | Spontaneous Four Wave Mixing |
SHG | Second Harmonic Generation |
SLM | spatial light modulator |
SNR | signal-to-noise ratio |
SNSPD | Superconducting Nanowire Single Photon Detector |
SPAD | Single Photon Avalanche Diode |
SPDC | Spontaneous Parametric Down-Conversion |
SPS | Single Photon Source |
SQL | standard quantum limit |
SSPM | solid-state photon multiplier |
TTL | transistor–transistor logic |
VBW | video bandwidth |
We will keep updating this list. If you know any abbreviation used in Quantum technology which is not listed here, please give your suggestions in the comments.